(E. Meulenberg)


1974    Evolutie van biochemische pathways. E. Meulenberg. Scriptie in het kader van een bijvak microbiologie aan de KUN.

1977    Het sexeverschil in het metabolisme van barbituraten door microsomen uit rattenlever. P.M.M. Meulenberg. Stageverslag doctoraalstudie een de KUN.

1978    Adenovirus 2 en 5 gecodeerde polypeptiden. P.M.M. Meulenberg. Doctoraalscriptie Laboratorium Biochemie, KUN. 1978.

1979    Inductie van mutaties in het genoom van bacteriofaag M13. P.M.M. Meulenberg. Verslag TAP-plaats Moleculaire biologie, KUN. 1979-1980.

1980    Studiewijzer endocrinologie. KUN Fac. Geneeskunde.

1984     Studies on the input function of disodium cromoglycate in man. J.G. Houben, J. Festen, P.M.M. Meulenberg & J.M. van Rossum. IUPHAR 9th Int. Congress Pharmacol., London.

1985     Influence of aminoglutethimide on plasma levels of MPA: its correlation with serum cortisol. W.A.van Deijk, G.H. Blijham, W.A.M. Mellink & P.M.M. Meulenberg. Cancer Treatm. Rep. 69:85-90.

1985     Is there a correlation between plasma levels of disodium cromoglycate and its protective effect on exercise induced bronchoconstriction. Festen, J.J.G. Houben, H. Folgerink & P.M.M. Meulenberg. 19th Annual Meeting of SEPCR.

1987     MPA administration to ovario-hypophysized, oestradiol-primed beagle bitches: effect on secretion of growth hormone, prolactine and cortisol. G.R. Rutteman, R. Stolp, A. Rijnkerk, S. Loeffler, J.A. Bakker, M.M. Bevers, P.M.M. Meulenberg & J.E. Eigenmann. Acta Endocrinol. 114:275-282.

1987     Oral versus intramuscular administration of hogh dose medroxyprogesterone acetate in pretreated patients with advanced breast cancer. Beex, J. van Turnhout, W. Breed, H. Hillen, A. Hodrinet, G. Hoogendoorn, W. Doesburg, M. Verhulst and P. Meulenberg. Cancer Treatment Reports 71:1151, 1987.

1987    Results of oral versus intramuscular administration of high doses of MPA as a second or late line treatment in patients with advanced breast cancer. L. Beex, J. Burghouts, J. v. Turnhout, W. Breed, H. Hillen, A. Holdrinet, G. Boetius, G. Hoogendoorn, M. Verhulst, P. Meulenberg, E. Burghouts-Cammaert. ESMO Nice

1987     The effect of oral contraceptives on plasma free and salivary cortisol and cortisone. P.M.M. Meulenberg, H.A. Ross, L.M.J.W. Swinkels & T.J. Benraad. Chim. Acta 165:379-385, 1987.

1988     Salivary and plasma free testosterone and androstenedione levels in women using oral contraceptives containing desogestrel or levonorgestrel. L.M.J.W. Swinkels, P.M.M. Meulenberg, H.A. Ross, Th.J. Benraad. Clin. Biochem. 25:354-359, 1988.

1988     The renin aldosterone system, progesterone and weight gain during normal pregnancy and the (patho)-physiological implications of chronic dietary sodium restriction. Steegers, T. Benraad, F. Derkx, M. Schalekamp, P. Meulenberg, R. de Bruin, P. Hein.

1989     Salivary progesterone excellently reflects free and total progesterone in plasma during pregnancy. M.M. Meulenberg, J.A. Hofman. Clin. Chem. 35:168-172, 1989.

1989     Salivary progesterone excellently reflects free and total progesterone in plasma during prgegnancy. P.M.M. Meulenberg & J.A. Hofman. Clinical Chemistry 35: 168-172, 1989.

1989     Total and free plasma cortisol and progesterone during pregnancy. P.M.M. Meulenberg. Proc.30th Dutch Fed. Meet. Abstract 257,1989.

1990     Development and application of an ELISA for IL-6 in serum. Eur. Clin. Lab. News 251: 30, 1990.

1990     Differences between concentrations of salivary cortisol and cortisone and of free cortisol and cortisone in plasma during pregnancy and postpartum. M.M. Meulenberg, J.A. Hofman. Clin. Chem. 35:70-75, 1990.

1990     The effect of oral contraceptive use and pregnancy on the daily rhythm of cortisol and cortisone. M.M. Meulenberg, J.A. Hofman. Clin. Chim. Acta 190:211-222 (1990).

1990     The effect of pretreatment of saliva on steroid hormone concentrations. Eline P.M.M. Meulenberg, J.A. Hofman. J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem. 28(12): 923-928, 1990.

1990     Toepassing van de ANP bepaling. (Application of the ANP assay) P. Meulenberg; Toepassing van de Interleukin-6 bepaling. (Application of the Interleukin-6 assay) P. Meulenberg. Both articles where presented during the Medica beurs (Medical conference) in November 1990 and presented by J. A. Hofman and F. Rosmalen, ITS b.v.

1991     De immunoassay: theorie en toepassing. Handleiding voor de workshop Immunologische bepaling van triazine-gehaltes in watermonsters. ITS Productions B.V. Wijchen. P.M.M. Meulenberg, 1991.

1991     IGF-1: Method to method comparison of IGF-1 commercial assays. Survey on behalf of the presentation on the International Distributor Meeting, Switzerland. Assignment of Nichols Institute Diagnostics in Wijchen, the Netherlands (1991).

1991     Immunoassay: Theory and practice. I.o.v. ITS. B.V. P.M.M. Meulenberg, pag. 1-30, 1991.

1991     Immunoassay product information: Survey (background and information concerning kits) about 6 hormones. Assignment of Nichols Institute Diagnostics in Wijchen, the Netherlands (1991).

1991     Maternal testosterone and fetal sex. M.M. Meulenberg, J.A. Hofman. J. Steroid Biochem. 39:51-54 (1991).

1991     Maternal testosterone and fetal sex. P.M.M. Meulenberg & J.A. Hofman. J. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol. 39(1): 51-54, 1991.

1991     Product information (background and information concerning kits) about 11 hormones. Assignment of Nichols Institute Diagnostics in Wijchen, the Netherlands (1991).

1991     Pyrethroïden: een algemeen overzicht van gebruik en toxiciteit van pyrethroïd insecticiden. P.M.M. Meulenberg, ELTI Support, i.o.v. RIZA Lelystad. Pag. 1-61, 1991.

1991     Pyrethroids: A general overview of the use and toxicity of pyrethroid insecticides. A survey made for RIZA , Lelystad, the Netherlands.

1991     Toepassing van de immunochemie in de waterkwaliteits-beheersing: Immuno-affiniteitschromatografie en ELISA van triazines in oppervlaktewater. (Application of immunochemistry for water quality control: Immuno-affinity chromatography and ELISA of triazines in surface water) W.H. Mulder, P.G.M. Stoks, J.A. Hofman, F. Rosmalen, P. Meulenberg H2O 3:56-59 1991.

1992    Handboek bestrijdingsmiddelen: Gebruik en Milieueffecten. VROM en RIVM. Van Rijn et al.

1992    Herkomst prioritaire stoffen. Project i.o.v. RIWA. E. Meulenberg, ELTI Support, 1992.

1992     Immunoassays: Application for water quality control. A report in cooperation with WRK en RIZA (1992).

1992    Immunoassays: Toepassing in waterkwaliteitsonderzoek. E. Meulenberg, ELTI Support, Nijmegen. 1992.

1992     Immunochemie en Milieu (Immunochemistry and the Environment) A report on own account ELTI Support. P.M.M. Meulenberg, Pag. 1-16, 1992.

1992     Immunochemie in het milieu: Toepassing van de immunoassay in de kwaliteitsbeheersing van het milieu. E. Meulenberg, ELTI Support, 1992.

1992    Pesticiden en toxiciteit. C. Oosterhoff. Stageverslag/scriptie. ELTI Support.

1992     Pesticides en Toxicity. C. Oosterhof & P. Meulenberg, a report on own account ELTI Support (1992).

1992     Source of priority substances: Survey into the production, use and emission of 40 organic priority micropollutants in the river Rhine, Meuse, IJsselmeer en Haringvliet. A report on behalf of RIWA, Amsterdam (1992).

1993     Application of immunoassay for water quality research. P. Meulenberg, P. Stoks, W-H. Mulder. H2O 26: 588-593 (1993).

1993     Immunoassays: toepassing in waterkwaliteitsonderzoek. P.M.M. Meulenberg, P.G.M. Stoks, W.H. Mulder. H2O 20: 588-593, 1993.

1993     Manual for a workshop: The use of Immunoassays for water quality control, Andijk, the Netherlands (1993).

1993     Readjustment of the Priority-substances list, a report on behalf of RIWA, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (1993).

1993     Screenen van het gehalte 2,4-D in Rijnwater met een immunoassay. Verslag i.o.v. WRK Nieuwegein. P. Meulenberg, 1993.

1994     Immunoaffiniteitschromatografie van pesticiden: Preliminair onderzoek met atrazine als modelverbinding. Rapport ELTI Support i.s.m. WRK, KIWA, RIZA. Pag. 1-24,1994.

1994     SPE op immunoaffiniteitskolommen. Rapport ELTI Support. P. Meulenberg, 1994.

1994     Toepasbaarheid van de screening op 2,4-D in Rijnwater met immunoassay. Freddie Janssen, Stageverslag MBO Arnhem, 1994.

1994     Toxicity of pyrethroiden: Report on own account ELTI Support (1994).

1995     Corticosteroids in saliva: new concepts on passage from plasma. Article on own account (see: Ph. D-thesis, 1995).

1995     Een snelle screening van oppervlaktewater op 2,4-D met een immunoassay. M.F.M. Beenakkers, P.M.M. Meulenberg, P.G.M. Stoks. H2O 20: 624-626, 1995.

1995     Immunoaffiniteitschromatografie van pyrethroïden. Hoofdvakverslag. Jacco van Doornmalen, ELTI Support, 1995.

1995    Immunoaffiniteitskolommen voor pesticiden: De ontwikkeling en evaluatie van immunoaffiniteitskolommen voor pesticiden. Patrick Teunissen, Stageverslag ELTI Support. 1995.

1995     Immunoaffiniteitschromatografie van pesticiden: onderzoek naar IAC-kolommen; antilichamen als reagens. Stageverslag MBO Arnhem. Henk Langeveld. ELTI Support, 1995.

1995     Immunoassays for pesticides (Critical Review). P. Meulenberg, W-H. Mulder, P. Stoks. Environmental Science and Technology 29(3):553-561 (1995).

1995     Immunoassays in de milieuanalyse zijn klaar voor een interessante competitie. ELTI Support, M. Beenakkers (o.l.v. P. Meulenberg). Laboratorium Praktijk, 119-122,1995.

1995    Immunochemische analyse en kwaliteitscontrole en diagnostiek. E. Meulenberg Symposium in Ede. 1995.

1995     Immunochemische analyse in kwaliteitscontrole en diagnostiek. Symposium in Ede. (Georganiseerd door ELTI Support). Bijdrage: Immunoassays voor de detectie van pesticiden. M. Beenakkers, 1995.

1995     Water quality control in the Netherlands: selection and evaluation of indicative methods. ELTI Rapport. E.P. Meulenberg, 1995.

1995     Water quality control in the production of drinking water from river water: the application of immunological techniques. Artikel ter presentatie in Parijs 1994. Eline Meulenberg, Peter Stoks, Anal. Chim. Acta 311(3): 407-413,1995.

1996    Immunoaffiniteitschromatografie van pesticiden. Edwin Meeuwsen. Stageverslag voor MBO College Arnhem. 1995-1996.

1996    Indicatieve analytische methoden en groeps- en somparameters voor de bepaling van waterkwaliteit. STOWA ICWS Rapport, uitgevoerd m.m.v. Aquasense, ELTI Support en KIWA, 1996.

1996     Toxic degradation products of pesticides. Doctoraalscriptie. Jacco van Doornmalen, ELTI Support, 1996.

1996    Toxic degradation products of pesticides. Jacco van Doornmalen. Afstudeerscriptie voor de VU Amsterdam. 1996.

1997     De immunoassay als screeningsmethode. Instructiedag Zwolle. Eline Meulenberg, 1997.

1997    Fenylureum-herbiciden screenen in de Rijn: Twee immunoassays (groep-specifiek en stof-specifiek) in de praktijk. E. Meulenberg, ELTI Support, Drieskensacker 12-10, 6546 MH Nijmegen. 1997.

1997     Immunoaffiniteitskolommen voor de analyse van pesticiden in water. Eindverslag BTS-project. E.P. Meulenberg, ELTI Support, 1997.

1997     Immunochemical detection of environmental and food contaminants: Development, validation and application. Eline P. Meulenberg. Food Technology and Biotechnology 35: 153-163, 1997.

1998     An antibody against glyphosate used for the development of immunochemical detection methods. Project ELTI Support. E. Meulenberg, M. Kreileman, 1998.

1998     Het selecteren van antilichamen tegen vinclozolin en glyfosaat door middel van verdringing met behulp van faagdisplay; Het bepalen van de titer van antilichamen tegen vinclozolin in het muizenserum na booster 3 tot en met 5;  Het immuniseren van muizen met vinclozolin voor onder andere de productie van antilichamen tegen vinclozolin. Faagdisplayproject,1998.

1998     Immunoaffiniteitskolommen voor de analyse van pesticiden in water. Verslag van project van KIWA. (m.m.v. VEWIN, J.T. Baker, ELTI Support, WRK, KIWA). E.P. Meulenberg, 1998.

1998     Indicatieve analytische methoden en groeps- en somparameters voor de bepaling van waterkwaliteit: Evaluatie van de toepasbaarheid van de immunoassaymethode als indicatieve en kwantitative methode. STOWA Rapport, m.m.v. Aquasense, ELTI Support en KIWA, 1998.

1998     Molecular Biology, Environmental Applications. Eline P. Meulenberg. Encyclopaedia of Environmental Analysis and Remediation: 2876-2882, 1998.

1998     Pesticides, Immunoassays. Eline P. Meulenberg. Encyclopaedia of Environmental Analysis and Remediation 1998, pp. 3505-3514.

1998     Pesticides, Immunoassays. Encyclopedia of Environmental Analysis and Remediation. ISBN 0-471-11708-0. Eline P. Meulenberg, pp 3505-3514, 1998.

1998     SHBG. Verslag project ELTI Support. M. Kreileman, E. Meulenberg, 1998.

1999     Eindrapport On-line IAC analyse, project BTS 97050. Eline Meulenberg, ELTI Support, 1999.

1999     Het voorkomen van microcystines in IJsselmeerwater en in het bekken van het waterwinstation Princes Juliana en de verwijdering ervan tijdens het zuiveringsproces. Eindrapport van ELTI Support. Eline P. Meulenberg, M. Kreileman, 1999.

1999     Immuno affinity extraction of pesticides from surface water.  Immunochemistry Summit VII and third workshop on biosensors and biological techniques in environmental analysis. Las Vegas 1998. Andrea Houben, Eline Meulenberg, Theo Noij, Coen Gronert, Peter Stoks. Analytica Chimica Acta 399: 69-74, 1999.

1999     Investigation of indicative methods in the Netherlands: validation of several commercial ELISAs for pesticides. Eline P. Meulenberg, L.G. de Vree, J. Dogterom. Analytica Chimica Acta 399: 143-149, 1999.

1999     Investigation of indicative methods: Validation of several commercial ELISA´s for pesticides. Eline P. Meulenberg. Anal. Chim. Acta 399: 143-149, 1999.

1999     Nieuwe analysemethode legt causale verbanden: Bioeffect gerelateerde milieu-analyses combineren biologische en chemische analysemethoden. W. Wieland, Eline Meulenberg. Chemisch2Weekblad 12: 14, 1999.

1999     Water quality control in the Netherlands: Selection and evaluation of indicative methods. Rapport E.P. Meulenberg, H. Niederlãnder, L. de Vree, J. Dogterom. Proceedings of the International Conference on Rapid Detection Assays for Food and Water, March 1999, CSL York, U.K.

2000     Bepaling van microcystines in oppervlaktewater en drijflagen met behulp van een immunoassay. I.o.v. Min. Verkeer en Waterstaat, Directoraat-generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Directie Zeeland. Eline P. Meulenberg, 2000.

2000     On-line detectie van milieuverontreinigende stoffen. Eindverslag BTS-project nr. 97050 (1997-1999). E. Meulenberg, ELTI Support, 2000.

2000     Various production methods for antibodies against pesticides. Eindverslag BTS project nr. 97247) (incl. faagdisplay). Eline Meulenberg, Willemien Wieland, Gijsbert Peelen, ELTI Support, 2000.

2001     Transport proteins in blood: A possible role in hormone disrupting effects of pollutants. In: Bioresponse-Linked Instrumental Analysis, B. Hock (ed.),Teubner-Reihe Umwelt, B.G. Teubner Stuttgart (2001). Eline P. Meulenberg, Chapter 6, pp. 131-151 2001.

2001     Water quality control in the Netherlands: Selection and evaluation of indicative methods. E.P. Meulenberg. In: Rapid Detection Assays for Food and Water. S.A. Clark, K.C. Thompson, C.W. Keevil, M.S. Smith, eds., RCS 2001, MPG Books Ltd., Cornwall, UK.

2002     A new test to identify endocrine disruptors using sex hormone binding globulin from human serum. Eline P. Meulenberg, ELTI Support. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 104(2): 131-136, 2002.

2002     Biosensor immunoassay for the detection of bisphenol-A. Interim rapport project IAC-OESA. BTS 99134. Willem Haasnoot, Nathalie Smits, Eline Meulenberg, Gijsbert Peelen, Kees Koopal, 2002.

2002     Effect of environmental pollutants as endocrine disruptors on human hormone binding proteins. J. Lipid Sci. Technol., 104: 131-136 (2002).

2003     Antibodies and immunoassays for quality control. Presentatie EuroFood Chem. XII Brugge, Rapport pg. 1-7. E. Meulenberg & G. Peelen, ELTI Support, 2003.

2003     Comparison of several tests for endocrine/estrogenic activity. Presentation in York. Eline P. Meulenberg, Ria Rhemrev, Toine Bovee, Martin Seifert. 2003.

2003     Detectie van estrogene activiteit: een vergelijkende studie. Rapport i.o.v. WRK Nieuwegein. Eline P. Meulenberg, 1-18, 2003.

2004     Targeted and rapid methods in analysing residues in food. E.P. Meulenberg, M.M. Rhemrev-Boom, C.G.J. Koopal. In: Pesticides, veterinary and other residues in food. D.H. Watson, ed., Woodhead Publ. Ltd., Cambridge, UK. (2004).

2005     Bepaling van de hormoonverstorende activiteit van milieuverontreinigende stoffen. FSG project 2003-2005. ELTI Support.

2005     Het zoeken naar geschikte combinaties van steroïdderivaten met transporteiwitten voor steroïden. Project voor het Rikilt. Eline Meulenberg, ELTI Support, 2005.

2005     Immunoassays for alkylphenolic pollutants with endocrine disrupting activity. Eline P. Meulenberg, G. Peelen, E. Lukkien, K. Koopal. Intern. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 85: 861-870, 2005.

2005     Immunochemical detection methods for bioactive pollutants. P. Meulenberg, G. Peelen, E. Lukkien, K. Koopal. Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 85: 861-870 (2005).

2005     Multiplex detection in the food production chain. J.H.W. Bergervoet, J. Peters, J.M. van der Wolf, W. Haasnoot, M.E. Bienenmann, J.G. du Pre, R. Wessels, E. Meulenberg. Poster at Rapid Methods Europe 2005, Noordwijk aan Zee, The Netherlands, 24-25 May 2005.

2006     Biosensor screening of surface water samples for thyroid hormone-like activity. Rapport ELTI. Eline P. Meulenberg, Gerardo Marchesini, 2006.

2006     Relevance of the assessment of thyroidal activity in the (water)environment: a deskresearch. Eline P. Meulenberg, ELTI Support, 2006.

2006     Thyroid hormone-like activity: biosensor screening of surface water. RIWA-project. Eline P. Meulenberg, Gerardo Marchesini, ELTI Support, 2006.

2007     Analyse atrazine in watermonsters met ELISA. Rapport ELTI Support i.o.v. TNO. G. Peelen, E. Meulenberg, 2007.

2007     Analyse atrazine in watermonsters met ELISA. Rapport (deel 2). ELTI Support i.o.v. TNO. G. Peelen, E. Meulenberg, 2007.

2007     Bepaling van microcystines in oppervlaktewater en drijflagen met behulp van een immunoassay. ELTI project i.o.v. het Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Directoraat-generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Directie Zeeland. Eline P. Meulenberg, Gijsbert Peelen, 2007.

2007     Deskresearch immunosensoren en antilichamen. I.o.v. Optisense. E.P. Meulenberg (m.m.v. Ron Kok, Gijsbert Peelen, Jessie Kok), ELTI Support, 2007.

2007     Haalbaarheidsstudie naar een bindingsbepaling met corticosteroïdenbindend globuline (CBG). Uitgevoerd door Rikilt, 2007.

2007     Rapid assays in pollution analysis: immunochemical techniques. In: Environmental Degradation and Protection, Volume I, K.K. Singh et al., eds., MD Publications Pvt Ltd., New Delhi; pp. 222-275, 2007.

2008     Endocrine disrupting compounds in the environment.
Eline P. Meulenberg, Invited book chapter, 2008, in press.

2008     Karakterisering van anti-atrazine antilichamen. Rapport ELTI Support. G. Peelen, E. Meulenberg, 2008.

2009     Obesitas: Een wereldwijd probleem. Deskresearch naar omgevingsfactoren / obesogenen die kunnen leiden tot obesitas. ELTI Support Rapport 2009.Download Obesitas-2c publicatie

2009     Phenolics: Occurence and immunochemical detection in environment and
Eline P. Meulenberg, Molecules 13: 439-473, 2009.

2010     Obesitas en therapie. Deskresearch naar nieuwe therapeutica voor de behandeling van obesitas. ELTI Support Rapport 2010.

2010     Premature bevallingen: Deskresearch naar mogelijke omgevingsfactoren die kunnen leiden tot premature bevallingen.
ELTI Support Rapport 2010.

2010     Progesteron in speeksel: een preliminair onderzoek naar de bruikbaarheid tijdens de zwangerschap. Eline P. Meulenberg, ELTI Support VOF, 2010.

2010     Snelle detectie van oestrogene activiteit in oppervlaktewater. Eindverslag BTS-project IAC-OESA(2002-2009). E. Meulenberg, ELTI Support, 2010.

2012     Biosensor for progesterone: measurement in saliva in pregnancy. Presentatie in Wenen. Eline Meulenberg, 2012.

2012     Immunochemical methods for ochratoxin A detection: A review. Eline P. Meulenberg. Toxins 4: 244-266  (2012).

2013     Karakterisering IBA ELISA. Stageverslag. Nicky van den Heuvel, 2013.

2013     Development of an ELISA for indole-3-butyric acid and application to cutting soil. Project i.o.v. Rhizopon. Eline P. Meulenberg, ELTI Support, 2013.

2015     Salivary progesterone as a biomarker in pregnancy. Eline P. Meulenberg. Biochem. Anal. Biochem. 4 (2015).

2015     The development and application of ELISA for 3-indole-butyric acid. Eline P. Meulenberg. Immunochem. Immunopathol. 1: 104-110, 2015.

2018     Salivary progesterone as a biomarker in pregnancy. Eline P. Meulenberg. Top 10 Contributions on biochemistry, Chapter 3, (2018).

2018     The development and application of ELISA for 3-indole-butyric acid. Eline P. Meulenberg. Top 10 Contributions on immunology: 2nd Edition. Chapter 10, (2018).

2021     Advanced study on salivary progesterone as a biomarker in pregnancy. P. Meulenberg. Current advances in chemistry and biochemistry, 1: 10-19, 2021.

  • The influence of altered hormonal status on the daily rhythm of corticosteroids in saliva. A lecture during the Symposium of the Investigation of Saliva in Würzburg, Germany.
  • Application of antibodies in the field of environmental analysis – an overview. Eline P. Meulenberg, ELTI Support.
  • Multi-analyte immunoassays (MAI): screening systems for pesticides in water quality control. Part A: Proposal description for RTD project. Eline Meulenberg, ELTI Support.
  • Hormone disruptors: effect on binding proteins. P. Meulenberg, W.H. Wieland. ELTI Support.
  • Transport proteins in blood: a possible role in hormone disrupting effects of pollutants. Eline P. Meulenberg.
  • Immuno-preconcentration? Solid-phase extraction. Rapport ELTI Support voor WRK Nieuwegein.
  • Investigation of indicative methods in the Netherlands: validation of several commercial ELISAs for pesticides. Eline P. Meulenberg, L.G. de Vree, J. Dogterom. Rapport ELTI Support i.o.v. International Center of Water Studies.
  • Biosensor recognition of thyroid endocrine disruptors. Gerardo Marchesini, Eline Meulenberg, Willem Haasnoot, Michel Nielen, Hubertus Irth.
  • Antibodies: Applications en new developments. Bentham Science Publishers. Eline P. Meulenberg (editor). 328 pages, 2018.


Immunoassays for pollutants with endocrine disrupting activity. E.P. Meulenberg, K. Koopal, R. Rhemrev, 2004.

Rapid biosensor immunoassay for the detection of bisphenol A in water. G.R. Marchesini, E. Meulenberg, W. Haasnoot, H. Irth.

Three immunoassays for bisphenol A screening. G. Marchesini, K. Koopal, E. Meulenberg, W. Haasnoot, H. Irth.

An antibody against glyphosate used for the development of immunochemical detection methods. Eline P. Meulenberg

Immunoaffinity column extraction of pesticides. P. Meulenberg, P. Stoks, W-H. Mulder, Th. Noij, M. Beenakkers, G. Jongman, R. Schiffer.